Friday, June 8, 2007
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Using DTP to publish newspapers!
Friday , the 11th of May marked the final session on the Mylapore Times Journalism Course. The class was held at the Mylapore
Times office on C. P. Ramaswamy Road, Alwarpet.
First, one of us read out a story from the day's newspaper and resource person D'Souza pointed out the mistakes in it and advised the students to avoid the same. An interesting report was also read out from 'Young World', a supplement of 'The Hindu' , about a similar journalism camp held for a younger age group by the Hippocampus Experience Centre.
This was followed by a discussion on various sources of
information for newspapers from snail mail to e-mail and radios to
phone calls. D' Souza then told the students about the Desktop
Publishing System (DTP) which is used to publish small newspapers. We were also shown the template of the Mylapore Times newspaper created on Adobe Pagemaker and how the reports and pictures were laid out. The 'dummy copy' of the newspaper was also shown, with the columns and spaces for advertisements marked out.
D' Souza also explained the various processes a newspaper goes through from layout to printing and distribution. He printed a page of the newspaper for proof-reading. He spoke about the different types of newspapers such as wall newspapers on street corners in Kolkata and created some amazement among all of us when he passed around a copy of the smallest newspaper in the world, 'Vossa Senhoria'.
This newspaper printed in Brazil measures 1.4 inches by 1 inch.
D' Souza encouraged the students to start newspapers in their own schools. We took few photos of the class as keepsake pictures and wound up the camp
Remembering Tagore
The NBBSS is a cultural organisation which holds a program in each of its members' residences every month. There is also an annual program, Banga Sahitya Divas, where the best writer is given the 'Reader's Choice Award'. The NBBSS was started towards the end of 1921 in Benaras. This organisation has branches all over India. The Chennai branch was started in 1983 in the Kali Bari temple, West Mambalam, by Meera Rai. A.K. Gupta was the first president of the Chennai branch.
On Sunday, the program started at 7.00 pm with Mitu Arakkal singing the opening song, Tagore's composition Ebar Neerob Kore Dao Mookhor Kobire. Then, others recited Tagore's poems and made short speeches. Dr. Sunendho Ghosh, a member, talked about Tagore's life. Anjali Chakraborty herself talked about Tagore's life and recited one of his poems.
Prakalpa Bhattacharya, a co-ordinators of the program proposed a vote of thanks. Mitu Arakkal wound up the meeting, singing Tagore's Akaash Bhora Surya Taara; everyone joined in.
Next month's program has been scheduled for June 10; it will be held in another member's residence. For further details, contact Dr. Sunendho Ghosh at- 2491 1776.
Vehicles take 'short cut' and create traffic jams in colony
Problems created by increasing flow of traffic in Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar Main Road have increased considerably. Every evening, 6 pm onwards, there are traffic jams, with drivers blaring their horns noisily. On some evenings, there is total mayhem on the road.
These traffic jams are caused because motorists/drivers choose to use this main road as a shortcut to the East Coast Road (ECR) instead of going via Lattice Bridge Road. People enjoy the convenience of skipping all the signals on that main road.
The traffic jams take place because the road in Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar is barely 20 feet wide and it does not have a proper sidewalk. Cars have to avoid people walking on the road and the erratically placed Onyx dustbins.
The biggest bottleneck is at the end of the road at the Sivakamipuram Street junction. Two garbage bins placed on the curves makes it hard for cars to turn.
Says Dr. Rajagopal, a resident here, "I have lived here for twenty years and have never faced such traffic problem. This place once used to be very quiet." Another local resident, Srinivasan, says that sometimes he finds it practically impossible to take his car out of his garage.
Friday, May 11, 2007
On features and freelancing...
We began class by discussing in detail the story on the front page of newspapers - three people die in a fire that was set in the Dinakaran newspaper's office in Madurai on Wednesday. We talked about how the day at a newspaper or news channel office can be totally unpredictable. While we were visiting the NDTV studio the previous day, NDTV's Sam Daniel had said that it was a peaceful day, when actually it turned out to be a pretty hectic day minutes after we had left the NDTV office, due to this news development.
Vincent D'Souza took us through the Dinakaran events and the time at NDTV to help us understand how the newspaper fire story had broken the previous day.
We moved on to discuss about features and magazines. We talked about the kind of people required for the features department in newspapers/magazines (people with vast domain knowledge, people who are good at creative writing and people who have good story ideas).
We then talked about the different types of features possible (1) News features; (2) Seasonal theme features; (3) Thematic or specialized features; and (3) Photo features. We discussed each type of feature in detail.
We also talked about freelancers, who do not work under any newspaper or magazine, but contribute articles regularly. We discussed the life of a freelancer. Freelancing is for people who do not wish to work under any organisation but want to keep up with their passion for writing.
We ended the day's class by searching for feature story ideas in the day's newspaper. Anita chose one based on a report on a stove which can use plant oil. Shakti chose one on new designs for silk saris. Priyanka had a similar idea.
Insight into the life of a teacher
Lakshmi Swaminathan, a retired principal and teacher of Kendriya Vidyalaya school, Adyar, has had a successful career. She has done Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts in Literature. She did her post graduation in Delhi University. After her marriage, she did her bachelor of education in Madras University.
She had originally done mathematics in pre-university but soon realised that mathematics was not her strong point, and switched over to literature after pre-university. "In those days, they taught trignometry only in pre-university and I was not familiar with the subject, and so switched over to literature," says Lakshmi Swaminathan.
She taught literature in SIET Women's College between 1958 and 1960. In 1964, she became a post graduate English teacher in Kendriya Vidyalaya school. She was a teacher for ten years before becoming the vice principal of the school. Five years later, she became the principal, but continued teaching English.
Lakshmi makes this observation. "Nowadays, no one gets any time. The students are always pressurised to study, the competition has remarkably increased, and of course, the tutoring has also increased. Students nowadays start taking tuition at a very young age."
Lakshmi Swaminathan retired in 1991, at the age of sixty. She occupies her time by reading, knitting and doing embroidery on sarees and bed sheets.
Lakshmi Swaminathan resides at Besant Nagar. Her address is- H113/9, 18th cross street, Besant Nagar, Chennai- 600090.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Breeding German Shepherds in Chennai
Kala Krishna, a resident of Kasturi Estates, has been breeding German Shepherds for the past 17 years. After doing her M.Sc. in Bio-organics from IIT, Madras, she went on to do antibiotic research with SmithKline Laboratories, and started Anusha, a boutique. She moved to Yercaud with her family for health reasons and this was where her passion for dogs, and German Shepherds in particular, began.
Kala Krishna believes in a thorough understanding of the breed, its history, and genetics. She says that the reason why breeding a working dog like a German Shepherd is so very different from breeding a developed dog like Boxer or a Great Dane, is that, since the dogs have descended from the wolves of Germany, the vast and varied gene pool makes every pup different. She imports all her dogs from Germany itself, and breeds them exclusively for the showline. A show dog from her can cost anywhere between Rs.20,000 to 35,000.
Krishna is the owner of Nita vom Murrta, winner of 'The Indian Siegerin', the highest honour bestowed on a female German Shepherd by the Kennel Club of India. She also owns Quero vom Murrta, 'The Young Sieger', which is the prize awarded to the best German Shepherd in the 18-24 month category. However, a pup with a fault, such as a bushy coat, which cannot be shown, can be bought even for Rs.10,000.

She believes that the best dog is one which satisfies all of the standards set out by the FCI, the governing body of all kennels, to which the Kennel Club of India is indirectly affiliated. Krishna has also attended the German Sieger Show, the largest event for German Shepherd breeders, attended by dog connoissuers from across the globe.
Readying dogs in Chennai for a show is extremely hard work, she says, as the dogs require training from 4 am to 9 pm, three months in advance due to the climate. Besides this, the dogs need to be well-groomed and on a perfect diet, to ensure that they are in the best shape.
The problem with German Shepherd is that, since it is so intelligent, and willing to work, it requires space and the owner's time, lack of which can cause it to become vicious. "I would never sell a dog to a person living in an apartment because not only will the dog be unable to live in such a small place but the owner will also be unable to spend the time needed to establish a relationship with the dog," she says.
Kala Krishna lives at 16, Kasturi Ranga Road 1st Street, Chennai- 600 018. Tel: 24993481. Email: kalakrishna12@yahoo.com
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Repoter's beat
Today's class was on the 'beat' that a reporter has to follow. The class was handled by Vincent D' Souza.
A beat is a regular, continuous and focussed coverage of a particular field. The police beat, the education beat, the sport beat, the arts beat, etc.
He explained how on a 'beat' we keep an eye on all that happens in the field we cover, how we can make new and more contacts and get story ideas. Finally, we looked at the map of our area we had created two weeks ago and talked about how we could cover it like a 'beat'
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
New Indian Express reporter talks to students
Vincent D'Souza began the day with a reading of a few news reports from The Hindu and then took the students on a journey through the newspaper. The class discussed the various types of articles that were placed on each page of the paper, and spoke of the role of sub-editors and designers.
Vincent went on to explain, in detail, the importance of a sub-editor in a newspaper, being the processor of information coming from the many sources outlined in the previous class.
Our guest for the day was New Indian Express reporter Priyamvatha.P. She began the second session with an informal introduction and went on to draw the students' attention to the article about the Koovagam festival for transgenders. 'The Hindu' had reported this event and that article had been read by Anita Srinivasan the previous day, and incidentally, Priyamvatha had been covering the same story for the Express.
In order to achieve a complete understanding of the festival, Priyamatha began by discussing transgenders and their problems, amid a few giggles from some students. The Koovagam festival for transgenders is the only one of its kind in the world, she said, and so transgenders from all over the world attend it. She also told the students the story of how Krishna took the form of a woman (Mohini) to marry Aravanan, Arjuna's son, to fulfil his last wish of experiencing married life for a day, as he was to be sacrificed, for the Pandavas to win the Mahabharata war.
The festival takes place annually in the Tamil month of Chitrapournami, where thousands of transgenders are 'married' to the Lord. Besides this ceremony, they also participate in fashion shows and compete for titles like 'Rani of Aravani' and 'Miss Koovagam'. Priyamvatha went on to narrate her experience covering the 3-day festival, right from the long drive to Villupuram where the transgenders were staying, to the phase of 'mock widowhood' for the transgenders at the end of the festival. She simultaneously explained to the students the difficulties she faced filing stories and staying in unsafe areas after dark to get interviews from transgenders.
There was a 10-minute question and answer session where the students quizzed Priyamvatha on the best colleges and career paths for journalism.
Contact Priyamvatha on her mobile phone at: 98414 04789. E-mail: priyamjourna@yahoo.co.in
My experiences as a reporter
In one of our first classes, Mr.Vincent D’Souza asked us to make a ‘profile’ of our neighbourhood ,(ie) map the location of important landmarks, prominent shops, etc. This activity helped us know our neighbourhood better and we got a lot of ideas, subjects that we could do stories on. Vincent Sir would always say that to become a good journalist, one should have good listening skills, should be able to pick up leads from one story and should be able to put it down aptly in words.
Another practice that we benefited from was reading out small reports from newspapers at the beginning of every session. We would discuss the report, analyze its positives and negatives and even suggest alternative or corrective methods of how the article could have been better written. This practice helped us develop our own, unique style of writing reports.
To understand how a newspaper works, we were taught (in detail) how the editorial, the designers, the reporters, photographers, function. One entire session was dedicated towards understanding how ‘News Agencies’ worked and what their role in a daily newspaper is. Planning, focusing, interviewing, were other aspects that were discussed. We were regularly given assignments to work on and were expected to file atleast three reports a week.
Now that I’ve given you a basic idea of what we learnt on the program, I’d like to highlight some difficulties that I initially faced while doing reports.
One problem that I faced was that most people were very hesitant or apprehensive to speak to me when I introduced myself as a reporter. Many people are misinformed that the press has a tendency to blow up thing and make it look out of proportion. To overcome this problem, I learnt to gauge a person and talk to him/her in such a way that he/she was at ease and I got the information that I needed from him. This come with experience, as one meets different people on every assignment.
Another aspect that a reporter should emphasize on when making an appointment is the time factor. Remind the person about the appointment once, twice because a lot of time could get wasted if either of you is unclear about the time and the place of the meeting.
Yet another mistake I made was not introducing myself properly while approaching a person for an interview. It is insufficient if you just start off with “Good morning, I am from “Mylapore Times”……” One must always remember that the opposite party may not know that a newspaper of the same name even exists. So, one must always give some background about the newspaper before explaining the purpose of the visit or phone-call.
One final point that I want to highlight is that before you send a report to the editor, or to the newspaper, check whether the phone numbers and addresses are right. If you miss out one digit in a phone number, it could cause a lot of trouble and would result in bad criticism both for the newspaper and for the reporter. So, always check your reports twice, before filing them.
Generally, going on a ‘beat’ regularly, helps me come up with new ideas to do reports on. Other than this, it is useful to have contacts among friends and neighbours who could alert you if they notice anything unusual or new. A good reporter should also follow up on stories that he/she has previously done, as new developments might have taken place.
Managing school and journalism is not difficult- you may have to compromise on maybe an hour of your time in the evenings; but that can always be compensated by studying for an hour in the morning. One must thus, be able to balance both without compromising on the quality of either.
Besides honing my reporting skills, the journalism program also helped me improve my communication and writing skills. One also meets a lot of different people all of whom can’t be dealt with in the same way.
Thus, every assignment that you do teaches something new and it is through this experience that one gets better and better in this field.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Latha mani raj kumar is an excellent artist.For 14 years ,since 1992 she
has been running a arts&crafts school called 'shrishti'.It is in C.I.T colony.
She teaches various courses for children and women.She has 7 assistants who help her in teaching the students.They are perumal,jeeva,samian,
chitra,vijaya,aparna and savitha.
These pepole have done a course under Latha.
They teach childrens-drawing,painting,fabric painting,tanjore painting,crystal art work,paper/bread craft work,solar wood work and
soap carving.
They have different courses for women-tailoring,fabric painting,cookery,
ice-cream and juice making,etc...
Shrishti is at second link street,[opp.isabel'shospital],c.i.t colony,mylapore,ch-600 004
ph:2499 2586
The day kicked off with reading the news from the daily newspapers. Bharathy Kannan read about the Vandalur Zoo’s recent development. We then read the city map and found some interesting places in the map of Chennai, which we are asked to, bring regularly to class.
We then had a light chat of the birds we see in the city - it was interesting. Anita Srinivasan read an interesting article about the Koovagam festival which took place a few days ago for trans-genders at the Koothandavar Temple near Villupuram.
We then put off our papers and listened keenly as resource person Vincent D'Souza spoke about the newsroom. We learnt how news comes into the room from various sources. Some of the sources we learnt were from the reporters, press releases, news syndicates, news agencies, from the readers of the paper who also contribute and from blogs on the Internet.
We were told that journalists or reporters must be sensitive, ethical and understand issues and things well. He said that reporters must sense things around them and must ask questions.
We then had a light discussion of the positive and the negative sides of the articles we have been filing so far and are blogged. We discussed what all errors we make in common.
Vincent gave all of us some envelopes for us to look at and observe. Each of us got a special postal cover. What was common?
Each cover was on a landmark event of the city.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Whose Garbage Is This?
Take this story in Radhakrishnan Nagar Main Road, Thiruvanmiyur. A dumpster had been placed right in front of Shrishti Apartments, an apartment building on the main road. While many residents living in and around this apartment building found it convenient to walk across the road to dump their garbage, others found it disturbing that the maids threw their garbage at the dumpster, most of which landed outside it. Thus, garbage lay scattered around the dumpster.
Also, people complained about the Onyx truck, which came at midnight to empty the dumpster. The loud noise emanating from the truck disturbed the sleep of the residents. "I'm a light sleeper and my sleep has been broken countless number of times because of the Onyx truck," says Rani, a doctor of the Apollo Hospitals and a resident of Shrishti Apartments.
Recently, the dumpster was found broken. It was removed but people continued to throw their garbage at the spot where the dumpster used to be. There was thus a pile of garbage.
But now, due to action taken by the president of the building, this pile has been cleared out and people are no longer dumping their garbage in that spot.
Interviewing Skills
The day's class started off with Vincent D' Souza making us students read the day's news stories and discussing each story in turn.
A few stories caught our attention but a particularly interesting one was about an event that took place in Virudhunagar, a district of Tamil Nadu, about a hen which had been run over by a motor cyclist. The owner of the hen started abusing the motor cyclist. More people joined in and soon this small incident had turned into a big fight. Many people were injured, properties were destroyed and the police had to come into action.
Vincent went on to discuss the various types of interviews (1) by appointment; (2) in a news conference; (3) on the spot interview; and (4) phone interview.
He also discussed ways to prepare for different kinds of interviews.
After class, we chatted about the different colleges which offer journalism courses. He referred to Asian College of Journalism, Manipal Institute of Communication and courses at city colleges like MOP Vaishnav.
Students 'practise' interviews
The Mylapore Time Journalism Course is well on its way into its third week. On Wednesday the 2nd of May, the first hour was conducted by Mr Sathya and Ms. Revathi.
After Mr. D'Souza lectured the students on Tuesday about the types of interviews and tips to plan interviews , they came prepared to conduct mock interviews in class on Wednesday.
Anita Srinivasan and Priyanka interviewing Anitha Ramachandran
Mr. Satya, who works with the publishing company New Horizon Media, first showed the students samples of interviews posted on blogs and websites on his laptop. He was keen to record the mock interviews on a gadget and load it on to the blog later.
The first mock interview was conducted by Rhea Banerjee who was interviewing Vrinda Manocha about the Youth Association formed in Valmiki Nagar. It was recorded by Mr Satya but their voices
were too low and could not be properly heard on playback. They also forgot to give an introduction. Mr. Sathya and Ms. Revathi gave them a few tips to improve themselves.
While Rhea and Vrinda rehearsed their interview, the next batch began theirs. Anita Srinivasan and Priyanka A. questioned Anitha Ramachandran about the Santhome neighbourhood. Their interview went off smoothly . Vrinda and Rhea did a better job on their second try.
Listen to Rhea interviewing Vrinda here : http://www.rogepost.com/n/1581408075
and Anita and Priyanka interviewing Anitha here: http://www.rogepost.com/n/5127060761
The second hour was conducted by Vincent D' Souza who had invited a guest to talk to the class. Abhinaya Mohan who had attended a similar workshop last year and now freelances for the 'Mylapore Times', shared her experiences with the class.
She talked about her difficulties with writing reports such as interviewing hesitant people and making mistakes with information. She gave several examples to illustrate her points and advised the students to manage their time well while writing reports and double check their information. Abhinaya shared tips on how to approach people for an interview.
Though she is going to Class 12 at P.S. Senior Secondary School, Mylapore, Abhinaya said that balancing school and journalism simultaneously had not been much of a problem for her. " Don't
compromise on the quality of school work or journalism, " she advised the students.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Summer designs for womenswear
Usha Umapati runs Lasya, a sari and salwar suit boutique located near Gold's Gym on Kasturi Ranga Road, Alwarpet.
Although bridal trousseaus are the store's specialty, it also aims at enhancing a woman's personality by suggesting clothes that suit them. She gave us some tips on what is best for summer.

"The younger people tend to go in for georgette, and other more clingy material, while the older ones stick to silk, when it comes to formalwear, but light to medium shades or bright-coloured cotton and kotas with smart blouses are the perennial favourites for casuals", says fashion designer Usha Umapati.
The store identifies its market as the highly-paid working women to whom a customised wardrobe makes a difference.
Umapati also helps women accessorise bags and jewellery with their saris and salwars. A subsidary of the store is School Colours which specialises in children's school uniforms.
The store is located at 19/1, Kasturi Apartments, Off Kasturi Ranga Road, Chennai- 600 018. Tel: 24990649, 24984303. Email: lasyaindia@yahoo.com
Pesonality Development Workshop Held at Valmiki Nagar
The World Community Service Centre on 2nd Seaward Road is holding a Students Personality Development Course for five days , starting Monday, the 30th of April. The course is taught by Bhagyalakshmi, a professor of Kundalini Yoga from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. everyday.
The course involves physical exercises for children from 8-13 years of age and Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) for children above 14 years of age.
The first hour of the class is spent doing physical exercises. The second hour and third hours involve meditation and introspection respectively. "Introspection involves the students analyzing themselves and tuning their minds to divert anger and focus on positive thoughts," says Ms. Bhagyalakshmi .
The second session for the Personality Development Course will go on from May 7-11. The classes are free for children from ages 8 to 13 . Those above 14 years will have to pay a donation of Rs.150.
The World Community Service Centre is located at:
26 , 2nd Seaward Road
Valmiki Nagar , Thiruvanmiyur
Chennai 600041
Ph: 42300194 , 9940217518
For more information , visit www.vethathiri.org
By Shakti Vyjayanthi
The VVV Table Tennis Academy is holding a table tennis coaching camp in Besant Nagar now.The main coach is A. V. Vidya Sagar. The camp started on Apirl 17. This camp is run for two groups: 1) for beginners - from 4:30 -5:30 pm. 2) For good players - 5:30-6:30 pm.This camp will go on for one month. It is meant for children from ages 7-19 years.
Reserve Bank Staff Quarters is located in Besant Nagar. It is on the M. G. Road. In the neighbourhood, we have landmarks like the Velankanni Church, the Vinayakar temple and the Ratnagiri temple. Our Quarters has a dispensary, temple, school, gym and the services of a plumber and an electrician. The RBI management has recently provided us with mosquito nets and mineral water cans every alternative day. There are six playgrounds with beautiful small gardens that separate them. There is a big lawn at the entrance, with a fountain in the centre. There are 200 apartments, in which only such persons who are employed by RBI can reside with their families. The employees are from all parts of India. The RBI has set up a school on this campus for the benefit of the children of its employees. It is affiliated to the CBSE. The school is housed in the centre of the RBI Quarters, next to the dispensary. A child can finish the secondary school education here. The RBI Quarters School is a 'very sought after' school because its students have always scored very high marks at the Board exams and almost every year it has a centum pass percentage. We also have the Reserve Bank Welfare Association. Every year we have competitions and winners get fabulous prizes.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Indian Air Force held a air show on the Marina beach on April 22.Traffic was blocked by the police in the morning itself though the show started only in the evening at around 4.30 pm. Vehicles were not allowed on Santhome High Road.
The crowd was large. Many had their binoculars and cameras on.Lights blazing and smoke trailing, three Advanced Light Helicopters made the entry, in full throttle. They made a steep climb, stood for a second and took a 180 degree turn to plummet and disperse in different directions.
It was an awesome sight. Many stunts which were performed left the spectators stunned.
At this library, you can reserve books online

Monday, April 30, 2007
Youth Association formed in Valmiki Nagar
'Young Leaders' , a fledgling group formed under the wing of the Valmiki Nagar Residents Welfare Association, held its first meeting on April 29 .Eight youngsters attended it.
Aruna Chandrasekhar and the Sreedhars supervised themeeting. They are co-ordinators of VAREWAwhich deals with civic issues in the area."We would like the younger generation to help with our activities. We need their enthusiasm and spirit," said Aruna.
The youth spoke of plans to address issues such as waste disposal at the beach, the use of plastic bags and the welfare of street dogs.
The members felt most strongly about the state of the beach. "The problem of litter at the beach affects everyone who goes there. Since efforts to put garbage cans on the beach failed after beach-goers toppled them over or used them as wickets in their cricket matches, we will have to form a team of volunteers to help us clean the place," said Shankari Subramaniam.
The members also want to create awareness that stray dogs in Valmiki Nagar are anything but dangerous. "We plan to call Blue Cross to sterilize them and encourage dog lovers to feed them," said Divya Sreedhar.
The more immediate aim of 'Young Leaders' is to validate information already collected by VAREWA on a survey of Valmiki Nagar. This includes information on the number of apartments in each building, the building numbers and the number of trees in the neighbourhood.
Two co-ordinators, Vrinda Manocha and Deepika Sreedhar were also chosen to head the youth association. If you wish to be part of this group or VAREWA itself , contact one of the following coordinators of the association:
Aruna Chandrasekhar : 2445 6322
Yamini Natarajan : 2491 2669
Jayanthi Premchander : 2490 1576
Sujatha : 4205 4625
Usha Subramaniam : 2442 4357
Usha Sreedhar : 2440 5918
Hot Breads opens in Kottivakkam
Hot Breads has opened on East Coast Road, Kottivakam.
HOT BREADS is your trendy and comfy neighbourhood cafe, excellent to grab that quick snack, hurried lunch or to munch delicacies on that quiet, serene evening and that, no doubt, is the reason behind its stunning success in a small amount of time
It offers a range of bakery products and pizzas. Hot Breads caters to a vast section of society of all ages through all seasons. Based on the concept of serving burgers, pizzas, hot dogs and international hot coffee brands with 500 varieties of bread alone, and other freshly baked French delicacies, it has people coming back for more, visit after visit.
Add: East Coast Road opp panchayat office Kottivakam Chennai -41
For Further details Contact: Mr.Sanjay Roy Ph. 011-6430575, 6416301.
Local Auto Drivers Fix New Meters
The State Transport Authority had revised the autorickshaw rates at the beginning of this year. It set a deadline for the recaliberation of all auto meters which fell on April 25.
The auto stand at the intersection of Sivakami Puram First Cross Street and Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar Main Road in Radhakrishnan Nagar comprises of approximately eight autorickshaws. All of the eight autorickshaws have switched over to the new electronic meters, as per another deadline set by the State Transport Authority (which ends on July 25).
At any given point of the day, a maximum of four autorickshaws are seen at this stand.
The auto drivers of this stand claim that they now follow the new rates set by the State Transport Authority. T. Sarvanan, an auto driver of this stand, said, "Yes, we do follow the new rates that have been set. It is Rs.14 for the first two kilometers and Rs. 6 for every extra kilometer."
He also confirmed that all of the autorickshaws at this stand have switched over to the electronic meters, which costs about Rs. 3000.
Sankar, another auto driver at this stand, says, "One problem with the electronic meter is that if the IC (integrated chip) of the meter fails, the whole meter must be replaced."
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Corporation to erect street lights at Valmiki Nagar
Raja Rangaswamy Avenue at the end of Fourth Seaward Road in Valmiki Nagar is often in darkness after dusk, lit only by the lights of the apartments at the end of the road. This road, alongside Thiruvanmiyur beach is being used by several people for carrying on unpleasant activities , such as smoking and drinking.
On March 16, at a meeting of the Valmiki Nagar Residents Welfare Association with the Corporation Commissioner, Rajesh Lakhoni, a presentation of the civic issues in Valmiki Nagar that need attention was made along with suggestions for their solution.
Assembly of streetlights on Raja Rangaswamy Avenue
The issue of the absence of streetlights has received attention now with the start of erection of six streetlights on Raja Rangaswamy Avenue by the Chennai Corporation.
"The streetlights are expected to be put up within the next week," said Mr. Sreedhar, a co-ordinator of the project for VAREWA. "We have also asked the Corporation to make sure that
light does not fall on the beach so as to prevent any effect on nesting Olive Ridley turtles."
This project will provide a sense of security to the
residents of Valmiki Nagar as well as beach-goers and evening walkers.
Sashi Nair, journalist and editor, lectures

Reported by Bharathy Kannan
Sashi Nair, journalist and editor, lectures
Sashi Nair was a guest at our class on Thursday morning.He is a journalist and editor.He spoke to us about the basics on journalism. He told us about what a reporter should do that is get information, know about the subject and also entertain the readers.
He gave us the do`s and don`ts in journalism and advised the journalism students gently.He said background for a report could be got through the internet which is very useful for a journalist.
He talked about the disadvantages of the news on television and compared it with the newspaper and Internet. He explained about the 3Cs to be followed by a journalist. A) check facts B) condense C) clarity.
For more details about Sashi Nair click here
Friday, April 27, 2007
Reported by Priyanka. A

It offers a variety of bakery products.
There are different designs of cakes.
There are also variety of cakes like Tosca,brownie,black forest,tutti-fruity and the strawberry.
You can also buy delicious cookies like chocolate cookies,cashew nut cookies and biscuits like sweet square,ragi biscuits and salt biscuits.
There are chocolates too.The other items are puff,bun,cheese bun, katti roll, pizza and plum cakes.It is very hygienic and prices are reasonable.
Padmashree foods is at guru kripa,second cross street, CIT colony, Mylapore, Chennai-4
The End of Week 2
The day's class kicked off with Vincent D'Souza, the resource person, taking the students through a reading of the day's news stories, which could inspire them to do their own over the weekend.
A particularly interesting one, which the students could relate to, was about how tsunami affected children in Nagapattinam are playing the role of journalists and addressing some hard issues in their monthly magazine. Vincent went on to discuss three assignments - one in San Thome, one in Kottivakkam and one in Besant Nagar - for the weekend and then handed over the next session to Sashi Nair, the guest for the day.
Nair, a man who wears many hats, is a freelance journalist and editor who is currently with a publishing house in Chennai. He started his career in journalism 15 years ago, and used to work with India's leading English daily, The Times of India. His future plans include doing research on newspaper techniques for Ifra, the world's leading association for newspaper and media publishing.
Nair began by giving the students a recap of his previous lecture, and then moved on to explain the importance of using the right 'lead' to begin a story, depending on its the subject. He also discussed writing techniques that added value to a journalist's work, and emphasised on the importance of doing background research while writing reports, and using anecdotes and imagery in features.
He said that the main reason behind the success of international magazines like Time and Reader's Digest was their belief in humanisation, or including people and their opinions in articles. He closed class for the day by answering questions about himself, his college days and work.
I Live in C. I. T. Colony.
C. I. T. Stands for City Improvement Trust.
This area is almost 47 years old. It is formed in the year 1960.
There are two main roads and six cross streets.
The six cross streets are linked by the two main Roads.
There are two main landmarks: Saint Isabel's Hospital and chief minister Karunanidhi's house.
Important persons in my area are Dr. Lakshmi Kumari and chief minister. It has many trees and is full of plants.
Therefore it is a peaceful and greenish area.
Reported by Priyanka A
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Ente Keralam is a new restaurant in Alwarpet
Ente Keralam, a restaurant in Kasturi Estate, opened officially about a week ago, soon after Vishu, the Malayali New Year. As one enters this place, one is overwhelmed by the unmistakable flavours of God's own country emanating from the kitchen, and the soft Kathakali music playing in the background.

Ente Keralam, translates into 'My Kerala' in English, and restaurant manager Elizabeth says it wants to popularise Kerala's cuisine among non-Keralites. "We attempt to serve authentic Kerala food," she says emphatically, commenting on the initial response as being 'pleasantly surprising'.
The restaurant boasts of expert chef Kuppakumar, a pleasant ambience and it is located in the middle of Chennai's dense residential areas.
It is located at the intersection of Kasturi Rangan Road and Seshadri Road, directly opposite the Onkyo showroom. This was the building which used to house the French restaurant La Madeleine, and before that, the National Culinary Institute.
Besides popular dishes like appam and stew, the restaurant also serves exotic delicacies, namely, Talassery biriyani, duck roast and pazhavum paaniyum, the sight of which tends to make the mouth water.
The restaurant is open everyday from 12.30 pm to 3 pm for lunch, and from 7.30 pm to 11 pm for dinner. It is also looking at the possibility of offering brunch on Sundays.
It is located at 1, Kasturi Estate, Kasturi Rangan Road, Chennai- 18. For reservations, call 42328585. E-mail: keralamente@gmail.com
Valmiki Nagar auto drivers claim they follow new rates
The State Transport Authority revised the rates for autorickshaw transport on January 26 and announced a deadline for the recalibration of mechanical meters to the revised rates. That deadline fell on April 25.
Drivers at the autorickshaw stand at the intersection of Balakrishnan Road and Fourth Seaward Road in Valmiki Nagar say they now follow the new rates. There are about 25 autos here. Of these, 10 autos have mechanical meters while the remaining 15 have electronic meters. Says Dorai, an auto driver, " All of us (auto drivers) follow the new rates. The price for the first two kilometers is Rs. 14 and Rs. 6 for every additional kilometer."
The State Transport Authority has also set another deadline for July 25 by which all mechanical meters should be converted to electronic meters. Gopal, another auto driver says, "The standard electronic meters cost about Rs. 3000. The Government will supply these to us."
If the drivers follow the new system then Valmiki Nagar residents can look forward to a service that does not start with haggling and arguments.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Air Show Seen At Valmiki Nagar
The Indian Air Force celebrated its platinum jubilee by organizing an
air show on Marina Beach on Sunday,
April 22. While huge crowds of people thronged the beach to witness the
event, the residents of Valmiki Nagar who couldn't make
it to the event got to see quite a bit of the air show from their
At around 4:30 p.m., the sounds of the IAF helicopters making their
way to Marina Beach caught the attention of the residents. Many of
them climbed to their terraces and enjoyed the flight of the IAF
planes as well. As an unexpected bonus, the glorious display of
the Surya Kiran aerobatic team leaving tricolour trails in the sky
were clearly visible.
The San Thome neighbourhood
San Thome is named after the saint Thomas cathedral. It is in south Chennai. The street where I reside at is known as Papanasam Sivan Salai named after the noted classical singer late Papanasam Sivan. Our colony is located very near to Marina Beach. A 5 minute walk from my house takes you there. So there is always a cool breeze coming in from the sea.
The well known San Thome Cathedral-Basilica is also located in this area. Christians believe that the body of saint Thomas was buried here after he was killed in the area. All India Radio station is also located here. The Russian Embassy is also situated here. There are four schools in my area and they have been here for a long time. The schools are Rosary Matriculation, St.Bedes, St.Rafaels, Santhome Higher Secondary School. There is also a school for special children whose speaking and hearing skills are impaired.Well known politician and leader of the Janatha Party, Subramania Swamy's house is also on our street as mine. There are hotels and an employment exchange too in this area.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Water Pipeline Project started in Valmiki Nagar
The area of Valmiki Nagar , Thiruvanmiyur has never had a regular supply of drinking water by Metrowater. Though a pipeline to deliver Metrowater does exist , the increasing gradient of the roads leading upto 4th Seaward Road at the end of Valmiki Nagar , caused the failure of the project as the pressure of the water was not enough for it to be pumped all the way through the area.
Now , a project initiated by the Valmiki Nagar Residents Welfare Association (VAREWA) , an organization working with the Metrowater Corporation aims to lay down a pipeline system parallel to the existing system to deliver Metrowater to the entire area of Valmiki Nagar.
The pipeline system construction has begun at 4th Seaward Road , since the water problem is not as acute in 1st and 2nd Seaward Road and West Balakrishnan Road. The project had been in the planning stage for a number of months , but due to a shortage of pipes , it had to be postponed. Once construction of the system is complete in 4th Seaward Road , the project will continue in the other roads of Valmiki Nagar.
“ We are hopeful that the Metrowater supply will begin in 4th Seaward Road in the next few weeks” , said Mr. Sreedhar , one of the coordinators of the project for VAREWA.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Balaji Nursing Home
Dr. Jayakumari's son, Dr. Suraj Balaji is the general surgeon here.
This institution has twelve rooms and twenty beds, said Asifa, the receptionist.The address - 1, 3rd Street, Malaviya Avenue, Thiruvanmayur, Chennai-600041.
Telephone no.: 2491379
Friday, April 20, 2007
An Institution

(21-5-1839 --- 15-11-1904)
All about Rosary Matric School, San Thome
By:Anitha Ramachandran
ROSARY MATRICULATION HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL is 65 years old.This school comes under the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary. This congregation of nuns was founded in 1877 by Mary of Passion-Helen de.Chappotin at Ootacamund, Tamilnadu.This school being an Christian institution, strongly believes on love and faith on Lord Jesus. They proudly say that they commit themselves to serve economically weak,socially backward and needy students.The school was just started with 20 students. Today, Rosarians are about 2000.Thischool was founded in 1950.
The principal of this school now is Sr. Mary Zacharia. The principal strongly believes in THROUGH LOVE LET US SEEK FOR TRUTH - which is the school motto. The school has very large buildings. It boasts of good infrastructure, a huge playground, computer labs, science labs, a library, a big auditorium and a canteen.
The school has also given importance to the growth of trees and plants. Saplings are planted and the school is always kept clean and tidy.
Its address is 11, Papanasam Sivan Salai, Santhome, Chennai-4.The contact number is 2498 36 17.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
The Chennai Cheshire Home
The Chennai Cheshire Home in Valmiki Nagar , Thiruvanmiyur is a non-profit charitable organization providing residential care for children and disabled seniors from impoverished backgrounds.
This institution was set up in 1958 in Covelong and moved to a new building at Valmiki Nagar in 1994 , built with grants from The Leonard Cheshire Foundation. In 1997 , physiotherapy equipment was gifted to the organization by Her Majesty , Queen Elizabeth who visited the Home. A clinic , a physiotherapy centre and a workshop unit was added to the building in 1999 , when the Japanese government gave a grant to the home.
The Cheshire Home has the capacity to accommodate 80 residents . “Of the 76 residents staying here , 20 are children below the age of 15 years. These children are educated at ‘special-need’ schools such as Pathway and Spastic Society of Tamil Nadu” , says Mr. Marimuthu , the manager of the institution .Though the organization is home to mostly mentally challenged children , it also is a sanctuary for orphans and children neglected by their own families.
A Self-help scheme trains the older residents in corrugated box production and plastic injection moulding.
Young women are taught to be financially independent by learning embroidery , tailoring , beadwork etc. HelpAge India supports an ‘ADOPT A GRANNY’ scheme here. A free evening clinic has also been set up to help the residents as well as people of the area.
A Voluntary Committee , as well as a staff qualified personnel handles the needs of the home. The organization is aided by Government grants as well as donations from corporations , other charitable trusts and individuals.
The Chennai Cheshire Home is located at :
Cheshire Homes India-Chennai,
23A Third Seaward Road ,
Valmikinagar , Thiruvanmiyur ,
Chennai -600041
For further information contact the Home at : 24417437 or 24405385
Email: cheshire_ability@rediffmail.com
Stella Maris College
It started on August 15, 1947, as a small one-storey building in Santhome, with just 32 students. Today, it has over 3000 students housed on its campus, "The Cloisters", situated on Cathedral Road .
Stella Maris College aims to provide quality university education in a Christian atmosphere, especially for Catholic students, irrespective of financial and social position.
The college provides Credit Based System of education for 13 undergraduate, 10 postgraduate courses, and research programs. It was given a Five Star rating by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, in recognition of its academic excellence.
The college emblem represents a ship sailing on choppy waters, symbolising the student's life, led on by the Star of the Sea, Stella Maris.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
My Area -Valmiki Nagar
Located in the area of Thiruvanmiyur , south of Chennai , Valmiki Nagar is a quiet neighbourhood bordering the Thiruvanmiyur Beach. It was named after the saint and poet Valmiki , who was supposed to have attained Samadhi close by.
Though the area is mostly residential , the Animal Welfare Board of India , a Cheshire Home for the elderly , a branch of Canara Bank and several department stores are situated here. The well-laid roads in the neighbourhood mainly include the four Seaward Roads and Balakrishnan Road , which joins all of them.
Fourth Seaward Road, which leads down to Thiruvanmiyur Beach.
Valmiki Nagar is home to a number of famous personalities , including Tamil Actor Ajit Kumar . Several Carnatic musicians also live here , notably K.J. Yesudas and Bombay S. Jayashree.
The Thiruvanmiyur beach alongside Valmiki Nagar serves as a great attraction for the people of Chennai , especially in summer .
The residents of the area live mostly in apartments , but there are quite a few bungalows too.
An auto stand is located at the junction of Fourth Seaward Road and Balakrishnan Road , which provides residents with an efficient means of transport. The nearest bus stop is Thiruvanmiyur Bus Stand.
Water tankers are a common sight in the area , as the groundwater has become completely brackish and Metrowater is not delivered in pipes .
Poes Garden
Poes Garden is a neighbourhood of 25 acres, centrally situated in Chennai. It is easy to locate with landmarks like Hotel Chola Sheraton and Stella Maris College nearby.
The name ‘Poes Garden’ originated in colonial India. The British, who owned the then forested property, called it the Poes Estate.
Since there are few commercial establishments, Poes Garden is fairly peaceful, and, over the years, has attracted many senior citizens.
Today, it is home to famous personalities like former Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa, Tamil film star Rajinikanth, real-estate tycoon Hanu Reddy and culinary expert Mallika Badrinath.
Poes Garden is connected with the rest of Chennai by Binny Road and Kasturi Rangan Road. The private institutions here are Aggarwal’s Eye Hospital, Jaya TV, Aswini Nursing Home and Russian Cultural Centre.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
My area
I reside in Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar Main Road, in south Chennai. Even though Radhakrishnan Nagar lies between Thiruvanmiyur and Shastri Nagar, the postal address of this area is that of Thiruvanmiyur - 600 041.
There are many landmarks in Radhakrishnan Nagar. Out of these, three main landmarks are often named. One of these three is the Konica Showroom on M.G. Road which lies right opposite Dr. Radhakrishnan Nagar Main Road.
The other two, which lie on the left side of the Main Road as one enters it, are the Tic Tac video-lending library and Balaji Nursing Home.
Quite a few important people live in Radhakrishnan Nagar; the leading one is owner of the famous company, Butterfly, whose house lies on the right side of the main road. Other important people include Justice Kanakaraj, Justice Govindarajan and a few senior judges of the Madras High Court.
Who we are. . .
The aim of this course is to expose students to journalism at a stage when they have to decide on college studies and a career.
The course is basic in nature and is spread over two or three weeks, with two hour sessions every weekday.
There are class-based lectures and field assignments.
For the 2007 course, we decided to start a blog which would record the reports, pictures and other assignments/contributions of the class.