Friday, May 21, 2010

Speed Breakers or Accident Traps?
Reported by Anirudh Ramesh

Speed breakers are constructed as a safety measure, to reduce the speed of on-coming vehicles and to minimize accidents.
But, in some parts of Thiruvanmiyur and Kalakshetra Colony, speed breakers are actually posing a major risk to vehicles.

Many speed breakers are constructed in various shapes,sizes and in indefinite proportions and numbers.
More than two speed breakers in close proimity, prove to be difficult to negotiate for vehicles. Moreover, they are sometimes broken at places and are almost level with the road, which again serves no purpose.

A badly maintained speed-breaker in T.M.Maistry street.

Also, most of them are not painted yellow or defined in yellow and this poses a danger to two-wheelers and four-wheelers during night time.

The level of the speed breaker situated in Besant Nagar 4th Main Road is high. Two-wheelers and four-wheelers, find it difficult to pass over them. But, in some areas in Besant Nagar, the speed breakers are well-maintained.
A well-maintained speed-breaker in Besant Nagar 4th avenue road.

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